Terrible Target trip on New Years eve

So I went to Target in Millbury, MA to use some great coupons that are expiring today. All was fine, I got some great Christmas things for next year at 70% off. I saw Honey Bunches of Oats for $2.84/box. Since I had the coupons that came out a couple of weeks ago from Coupons.com for $1 off one box I figured I'd use them since I refuse to pay more than $2 for a box of cereal. Oh boy did I choose the wrong cashier to checkout with! Those coupons state at the top next to the expiration date that they are MANUFACTURERs coupons. Above the picture of the product there's a Walmart logo (just as shown in the picture I took above). She started scanning the coupons and 2 of the 4 for the cereal went through. When she got to the third one, she stopped and then refused to take the coupons. She said "We can't take Walmart coupons.". I tried my best to be courteous and explain that these are manufacturers coupons not Walmart coupons. She then turned and said they would n...