Terrible Target trip on New Years eve

Oh boy did I choose the wrong cashier to checkout with! Those coupons state at the top next to the expiration date that they are MANUFACTURERs coupons. Above the picture of the product there's a Walmart logo (just as shown in the picture I took above). She started scanning the coupons and 2 of the 4 for the cereal went through. When she got to the third one, she stopped and then refused to take the coupons. She said "We can't take Walmart coupons.". I tried my best to be courteous and explain that these are manufacturers coupons not Walmart coupons. She then turned and said they would not accept the coupons because they're from Walmart's website. I told her they were from Coupons.com and showed her that they were from that site. She still refused to take them.
Trying to educate cashiers is not easy when they don't want to listen. I could have called for the manager but didn't want to be rude to the people behind me who waited patiently since I already had a large stack of other coupons. Another store will just have to reap the benefits of being reimbursed for the amount of the coupon plus handling charges I guess!
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